Historical Security Council
Topic: The Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968)
Difficulty: Advanced
Introduction to the HSC
The Security Council consists of 15 member countries, 5 of those being permanent states with veto power:
● China
● Russia
● France
● UK
The other 10 of the member countries are re-elected every 2 years.
Its powers include establishing peacekeeping operations, enacting international sanctions, and authorizing military action.
Historical Security Council’s in charge of dealing with concerns relating to conflicts that have already ended. In order for a certain issue to be discussed in the HSC rather than the Security Council, it must have occurred at least 10 years prior to the meeting. Its purpose is to seek introspective and original solutions to past events in order to prevent and prepare for similar occurrences bound to happen
Introduction to the Topic
On August 20 1968, Warsaw Pact forces from Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, and the USSR invaded Czechoslovakia, due to opposition towards the liberalizing reforms enacted by the First Secretary of Czechoslovakia’s Communist Party, Alexander Dubček. This invasion, known as the Prague Spring, resulted in Dubček’s removal from power and the strengthening of Soviet influence in Czechoslovakia, despite international protest and refusal by two Warsaw Pact member states to collaborate. How should the UN’s Security Council react to this pinnacle event in Eastern European history?

Ruxanda Rusu
Hey, everyone! My name is Ruxi and I’m super excited to chair the Historical Security Council. I’ve been attending MUN conferences in Romania for over a year now and learned a lot during this period. I started participating at Model UN conferences to get over my fear of speaking in public. Soon after, I fell in love with debating and the people I’ve met here. Other than global politics, in my spare time, I like to read about art history and philosophy. With that being said, let’s get this party started. 🥳 See you soon!

Ana Aronescu
Hi, I’m Ana, and I am thrilled to be one of the chairpersons of the Historical Security Council for this year’s edition of IBSBMUN. I absolutely love debate, the Security Council is one of my all time favorite committees, and I cannot wait to share that passion with everyone present. I would consider myself a bubbly person, so, get ready for, bad pop culture puns, and an unforgettable experience alongside the amazing team, both in and outside of formal sessions. Kisses ♥️

Rafael Duque
Hello, my name is Rafael, and I am thrilled to take part in running the first-ever instalment of IBSBMUN. I have been to 3 MUNs so far and History has always been my main interest alongside philosophy and politics and my passion for those subjects will translate well into my role as a chair in the Historical Committee. I cannot wait to witness the debates and discussions that will take place and see you all in February.