Topic: Preventing the use of torture as a method of investigation
Difficulty: Easy
Introduction to the UNHRC
The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations system tasked with promoting the wellbeing and prosperity of human rights around the world, as well as investigating and making recommendations on cases of human rights breaches. Throughout the year, it has the ability to examine any thematic human rights concerns and situations that deserve its attention.
Introduction to the Topic
Torture is completely illegal under international law. However, despite it being so for many years, many states have failed to do the same under their national laws, and governments continue to defy law by using torture to elicit information from prisoners. While it is common belief that torture is only used in high profile cases such as national security, it is likely to be used towards any number of investigated peoples. It is inhumane, and strays from the rule of law to one of terror. How do we put a stop to the extrajudicial use of this method of investigation?

Ana Vlasie
Hi everyone!
My name is Ana, and I am more than excited to have the opportunity to chair the Human Rights Council during the first edition of IBSB MUN alongside Karla.
I have been attending MUNs for over two years now, but each new conference never fails to teach me something new. Thus, I see this conference as a new way to expand my horizons.
Moreover, my inclination to give my all to any project makes me confident to affirm that I will do my utmost best to offer the delegates I will preside over the best experience possible.

Karla Hrebenciuc
Hello there!
My name is Karla and I think I should briefly explain why every MUN experience is so precious. After more than 3 years of attending conferences I think it’s more than obvious that they have become a part of who I am and I truly hope that I will be able to give you the virus, the MUN-virus that is totally untreatable and to show you how amazing and inspiring these conferences are. I am more than excited to chair the UNHRC Committee alongside an amazing girl that I totally love and I hope I will be able to give you the best experience possible.