With a billow of activity occurring in today’s committee session, many spoken agreements formed and tore apart as the topic branched out into more depth. Prime Ministers Mateusz Morawiecki and Emmanuel Macron (of Poland and France respectively) certainly made stirring impressions, as they emphasized their points and opinion right from the dawn of the discussion.
When discussing matters of extending the European Union further East, the representatives of Denmark, France, Lithuania and Poland came down to the agreement of believing that any new additions to the European Union council will only lead to severe consequences, be that an increase in crime, prostitution, or lowering the standard of living in the EU, or having an economic impact as well.
Upon the arrival of a guest ambassador of the Republic of Moldova, Prime Minister Fiala of the Czech Republic was in support of the integration of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova in the EU, as they should unquestionably deserve to live up to the European standards of living. Surprisingly, France contradicted their viewpoints, stating that any of the countries mentioned joining the Schengen zone is an unspeakably atrocious act that should not even be considered as countries with mass corruption should not deserve the right to join the EU. Supporting this side’s view this evening was the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, who hinted at views supporting those of Mr Macron, trusting that more countries joining the EU will only result in more illegal entries into the Schengen zone in the near future.
As the debate pressed on, signs of complete consensus proved persistent between representatives of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Germany concerning sending financial, medical and humanitarian aid to those of Ukraine. Those fleeing from the country suffering greatly due to the conflict are welcomed warmly by all the countries mentioned above, each one already building a strong, clear plan to support them.
All in one, this evening was home to alliances assembling only to dispute and fracture later on. Numerous delegates then fell in agreement with sending further aid to Ukraine and those in need, at least until the conflict simmers down. Meanwhile, others debated which countries are eligible to join the EU compared to those which prove to raise drastic second effects.
By Sonia Marta, for Le Figaro