Delegates from all over the country attended the trading game that took place on the night of 11th March. Eager voices flooded the hall as the chief of marketing, Medeea Constantinescu, led the voting sessions as representatives made tough choices. Delegates took on challenging choices regarding the trade of barrels. Aspiring business men from opposite corners of the room submitted their trade choices, anticipating what the results of the following answers will reveal. After 6 very close rounds of barrel trading, Team 10 won the oil game.
With the opening ceremony commencing, Secretary General, Maria Sticlea, greeted the chairs and delegates with a warm welcome to everyone. Meaningful words fused together flawlessly by the Head of School, Kendall Peet, next. Chairs, delegates, and guests present last night received the chance to listen to Colin Lovering, from the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (the BRCC). “I’d like to share with you some thoughts and ideas to take along your long career journeys with you,” Mr Lovering began saying.
“What happens if we don’t keep our rules?” Introduced Neil McGregor as he went on stage, Chairman of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce. Successfully managing to hook the audience’s attention, McGregor managed to, both, add humour, to loosen up the audience, and open our eyes to some important situations going on in our world in today’s day and age. McGregor held a very impactful speech last night, preparing our chairs, delegates and organizers for the unforgettable memories they will form over the following days.
After a wonderful speech informing and reminding the audience of the rules of the procedure for the next couple of days from several of the organizers of IBSBMUN, the audience was shown their way to the diplomatic dinner. The evening then steamed down to a time of meeting new people. It all came down to guests, teachers and organizers speaking, making friends, and enjoying themselves. All in one, the evening was unforgettable, greeting everyone to what the next following days will look like.